Tuesday, 19 November 2013

It's been a while

    So yeah, it's been a while since my last post, and I'm sorry for that, but, on another side, I did work on my own projects. My main one is a timelapse video which I'm trying to put together. Right now, I found the song for my video, but I still have to get some footage.
    Another thing I might think of starting is a youtube chanel. I'd like to make some videos on things that really helped me so far and that might help others... And this being brought up, the camera I bought for making theese videos and not only is an Olympus EPM-1. I currently have mixed opinions on the mirrorless camera thing, but I can say that for something that small, the video quality is really nice. It shoots 1080i at 60 fps, and the great thing is that it has manual video control.

    Getting back to the business, here are the first pictures I took with the Olympus. They were taken at night with the kit lens, so There had to be some high ISOs involved. Still, I think I got some interesting things...

For some reason, I really loved the effect thata turned out of this picture. I know I was walking by and saw this guy on the bench, so I took a picture of him without me stopping. This way, the cathedral remained sharp and, because of the slow shutter speed, the person became blured.

The last one is not that great, but I considered it a pretty good picture...

I will come back soon and I think that after finishing the time-lapse,  I might actually start the whole youtube thing... If you have some ideas for videos, contact me!