Tuesday, 15 October 2013

How do you know you got a good shot?

    I am not going to talk a lot about this topic, but I am going to say how I know when I get a good shot. Usually, like 95% of cases, I know it just after I press the shutter. It's an instant feeling, and I love when I get more that one per day. And this was exactly the case theese last two days.
    I didn't think going shooting with a prime would help so much, but I started seeing things differently (see the story here). I think before I couldn't decide how a scene would look, because I had to go through many perspectives given by the zoom lens. On the other side, with a fixed focal length, I managed to see things faster, and, more important, get closer.
And, surprisingly for me, the whole "getting closer to people" thing didn't work as I expected. It came naturally, like I had been doing this for ages, even if I hadn't. But still, I realized I am able to see things I could not see before, just because I took the zooming thing out of my mind.

I like variation, even though I can't allways avhieve it. Stil, in my opinion, this is one of the happy cases where I got a little bit of everything.
Initially, I wanted to go for a full silouette effect, but later I thought that seeing a little bit of his shirt could only add dimension to the person.

This is one of those pictures when you get in front of the computer and say "I didn't know I caught that...". I am refering to the flying pidgeon, of course. 

For some reason or another, I love this image. He has a kind of a "look into your soul" face expression. Also, shooting just the board would have been booring, so I decided to put him in context.

I am really pleased of theese two days, and I think, from here, my pictures will only get better as I try out new things...
Also, I can't decide on a favourite, so leave a comment to see which one is the one you like.
Thanks again, "see" you next time!(I hope so...)

Saturday, 12 October 2013

The prime project

    I finally te step forward and bought a prime lens for my DSLR. Sure, it's no 50mm f1.2 or 35mm f1.4, it is in fact the well-known Canon 50 mm f1.8. As I did with my Tamron telephoto lens, I didn't want to go spend a lot of cash on a lens I wasn't sure how much use would it get. I must say, even at 80 bucks, that's how much I spent, this lens produces some great colors and sharpness.

    I did say last time I would come out with a review on the features an older DSLR misses, and I am intending to keep my promise. So, stay tuned for the review.
    Going back to street photography, the first shots were taken with the kit 18-55, wanting to stop shooting with my telephoto lens.

The first one is taken really wide because I wanted to incorporate the architecture of the city in the shot. I realize it would have been way better to get closer, but at this stage I simply can't. That is one of the reasons I got my 50mm, to force myself to get phisicaly closer, not just with the zoom.

    You have to take into account the fact that these last pictures were just tests, but I promise the next post will incorporate some real street photography. Getting to the shot, I only had 15 minutes to play around with the lens, so the area I could go was quite limiting.

    This last one is probably one of the last ones I actually took that day. I realize it is not a great shot, but still there are some elements I enjoy about it. Like, for example, the far background between the trees or the piston of the subject's feet.

    So, here are my initial impressions on the lens: it is really nice, compact and light, great image quality for the price and also plenty sharp with good colors. There is no point in writing a separate review for the lens, but I can say that all the good reviews out there are true.

    This was it for today,I promise the next pay will be better, and i know it will.

    Don't forget to check my portfolio at tudorsphotos.weebly.com .

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Turkey trip

    Yes, as the title says, I went to Turkey for the timing of RedBull Sea to Sky and, meanwhile, I took the chance to snap some pictures. Plus, I've been thinking about the blog and decided to make my posts more photography-orientated, plus there is an interesting review/comparison coming soon.
    Sol, lets start!
        One of my goals in Turkey was to take at least one street photograph to ilustrate the people in there. And here you get a contrast between all the tourists visiting and going to the beach and the hard working locals.
No photoshop in here, trust me! This guy's pants were bouncing up and down like crazy, and here is what wah underneath :)).

For theese street shots I shot in A mode on my 40D. I probably was at around f8 and ISO 200, getting me a good enough shutter speed.

    What I like about about this picture is the amount of detail present and the wide perspective. Also, being shot at 18mm on a crop body, the depht of field is huge.
Being so close to the beach, I had to snap pictures of sunsests :). So this is one of them, though not my best...

This is my favourite. Again, you can see the contrast of tourists and locals, but in another enviroment. I really like the colors, too.

And, finally,the last shot. Actually, you can see a square on top of the mountain at the left. That was the race's finish. Nice right?

One more thing, I just bought a Canon 50mm f1.8 and I love it, but all of that in a coming soon post.

Thanks again and if you haven't, don't forget to check my website tudorsphotos.weebly.com. See you soon!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Back to school

    I'm sorry for posting so late, promise won't happen again :). I've been really vusy and didn't have time to post my latest pictures. I have 2 sets right now, here is the first one, and the second one is on the editing lane.
    I find going back to school an oportunity to go out on the streets more, to restart doing what I first did and loved (I still do), street photography.
I'm attracted to the first one because of the collors, but also because of the geometry. This was taken accidentaly, without having my camera to my eye, but I think I was pretty lucky.

For this one, I love the separation the colors give to the picture. Also, I am trying more and more not just to photograph people, but to photograph theur way of life and what are they doing, basicaly putting them into context.

This is my favourite one for the set. I love the kid's curiosity, love the colors and the general composition. This is a picture that works really good for me, you might not like it, but I certainly do.

Not much to say, but please check out my portfolio at http://tudorsphotos.weebly.com/. See you next time!